Planned Parenthood Gets by With a lot of Help From its Friends

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Planned Parenthood has announced it will be spending more than $3 million in Ohio and Virginia to ensure Gov. Mitt Romney loses in those two states.

From Planned Parenthood’s viewpoint, there’s simply too much at stake to do otherwise: for Romney has voiced support for overturning Roe v. Wade and passing a constitutional amendment which defines life as beginning at conception. And we all know that nothing raises the ire of the nation’s number one abortion provider more than talking about protecting innocent life.

This campaign against Romney will be largely carried out in television ads “beginning in mid-September.” To that end, Planned Parenthood has already purchased $3.2 million in ad time in strategic areas in both states. (The abortion provider has already spent another $1.4 million in Iowa, Florida, and Northern Virginia in June.)

NARAL-Pro Choice America and Emily’s List will be joining them in these efforts and plan to use “aggressive campaigns” in support of President Obama’s re-election.

NARAL Political Director Elizabeth Shipp says they will “spend significant resources on mail, television and online ads in swing states” in an effort especially focused on females who voted for Obama in 2008 but are hesitant to vote for him again in 2012.

During the last election alone, NARAL spent $2.5 million to get their message across.

So Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and Emily’s List will be doing all they can, particularly among female voters in swing states, to ensure that Obama wins and Romney loses. Millions will be spent on television, print, and online ads, as well as on diesel fuel for Planned Parenthood’s magical mystery bus tour.

All this effort, all this money, all lined up to perpetuate and protect the culture of death.

Planned Parenthood needs to explain where their portion of the money is coming from. Is it part of the nearly half-a-billion dollars the federal government gave them for clinic operations last year? If it is, then we have a situation where a leftist administration is giving federal taxpayer dollars to a leftist organization that, in turn, is using that money to keep the administration in power.

Seems questionable, doesn’t it?

Birds of a feather flock together, especially when one of the birds is funneling hundreds of millions of federal taxpayer dollars a year to the other.

The bottom line: Planned Parenthood gets by with a lot of help from its friends.