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The Leader of the Republican Party Should Be the Speaker of a Republican-Led House

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AP Photo/John Raoux, File

The advancement of the America-First policy agenda in Washington has been ground down to a halt due to ineffective leadership and Republican infighting within the House of Representatives. This party disunity has left a leadership vacuum that has given progressives in Washington a window to pursue the failed Biden agenda and spend trillions of dollars in the process, leaving future generations of Americans to pay the price. 


Americans are fed up with this failed agenda and it is showing. Polling and political models indicate that Republicans will regain control of the House of Representatives in the 2022 midterm elections. Republicans must not squander this opportunity provided to them by the American public and must ensure that they entrust a strong leader with the Speaker’s gavel. 

Unfortunately, these current schisms within the Republican caucus have made party unity difficult. Current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy would be the most obvious candidate to replace Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, except he, historically, has been unable to balance the factions within the caucus. He proved that in 2015, when he dropped out of the race to lead the GOP and left the Speakership to Paul Ryan. This appears to still be the case today as well documented feuds continue to erupt between members of his own caucus.  

Our best bet to hold the House together and unite Congressional moderates and conservatives behind an America-First agenda is to vote for Donald J. Trump as Speaker of the House. Given the fact that the former President continues to serve as the leader of the Republican party, it only makes sense that he would lead Congress when it has a Republican majority. Many may not be aware of this, but he also has every legal right to do so.

Article 1, Section 2 of the United States Constitution lays out the process for electing the Speaker of the House in the simplest terms, “The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers.” This means that there is no legal reason for why House Republicans could not elect Trump, or really anyone they deemed worthy, regardless of whether or not they are a sitting member. 


According to the Congressional Research Service, there have been 13 occasions since 1913 where at least one Member voted for someone not currently serving in the House of Representatives to be Speaker. Those votes have been cast for both Republicans as well as Democrats, including former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Georgia Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, and even President Joe Biden.

Former President Trump is the leader of the Republican party, but he has been silenced by big tech, the media, and a myriad of others. Republicans deserve to have a strong voice representing them and must nominate a leader who can get the job done. As Speaker, Trump would have the ability to directly fight against Biden’s ludicrous agenda and he would have a perch to run for President where even his adversaries would have to listen. 

Support is building within the current and potential future GOP House caucus. Congressman Matt Gaetz is one Member already pushing Trump for a Speakership campaign. Gaetz recently said he spoke with the former president about this, and he insinuated that there is interest here. Former State Representative Vernon Jones, meanwhile, candidate for Congress in Georgia’s 10th Congressional district recently tweeted that “I’ll cast my vote for President Trump to be Speaker and invite my colleagues to join me. It’s time to throw out the old playbook,” indicating that support from the incoming class of Republican freshman would be there for such a move as well. 


As Speaker, Trump would be able to lead Republicans towards a more prosperous and fair future. With Biden as president, we have seen nothing but fumbles, from his botched withdrawal in Afghanistan to how he’s handling COVID-19, it is no wonder even his own base does not trust him. He can’t get anything passed through Congress, despite having a friendly majority. And with gas and grocery prices through the roof due his almost untamable inflation problem, it’s no surprise that his approval rating is in the absolute dumps.

Republicans need the strongest leader they can muster in the Speakership and that person is Donald J. Trump. With him as Speaker of the House, Republicans would not and could not be ignored.

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