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Believe Biden’s Actions, Not His Words on Israel

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AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Seven months ago, Hamas terrorists launched a vicious attack against Israeli civilians – committing human rights atrocities that left people, including children, babies and the elderly savagely murdered, maimed, kidnapped, women brutally assaulted, and the world horrified. For my fellow Republicans and members of the Jewish Community, this prompted us to rally to support Israel, our nation’s greatest ally in the Middle East and to support its right to defend itself. Tragically, while Americans still remain trapped in Gaza, Joe Biden has failed to be steadfast in support of Israel – instead trying to appease the radical antisemitic protestors who are wreaking havoc on college campuses and cities across the country. Despite signing the Security Supplemental Appropriations Act for Israel, Taiwan, and Ukraine President Biden’s support for Israel has been far from resolute. While Biden has praised Ukrainians, he has scolded our allies in Israel – warning Israel, not Hamas, that aid in the bill had better get to the Gazan civilians. Meanwhile, Hamas attacked the pier that American service members are risking their lives to build off the coast of Gaza, prompting no response, crickets from President Biden. 


What Biden won’t acknowledge is that any privation in Gaza is due to Hamas, not Israel. Biden’s moral equivocation and inability to full-throatedly support Israel has emboldened the antisemitic pro-Hamas mobs on college campuses throughout America. Biden’s tepid approach to Israel is unbecoming of a U.S. president speaking to an ally fighting in a war for its very survival. The unprovoked, depraved, and barbaric attack by terrorists who abuse their own civilian population and use them as human shields, should not illicit American sympathy.

 Making things worse, Secretary of State Blinken has recently announced that the State Department’s Human Rights Report, names Israel prominently as one of the worst abusers of Human Rights, only behind Russia and Sudan. That’s both shameful and false. Israel’s Army, the IDF, is among the most moral fighting forces in the world. In this Gazan War, the IDF has made every reasonable effort to limit casualties in a war that they did not start and to find hostages that Hamas refuses to free. Because of this war and the efforts to spare and protect civilians in Gaza, Israeli soldiers have been killed, seriously wounded, or maimed. When Gazan civilians tried to leave Gaza City and Khan Younis, it was armed Hamas terrorists who blocked their way. It was IDF soldiers who protected them, enabling them to escape to safety. The lack of moral clarity, hypocrisy and obscuring of facts from Biden and Blinken is shocking. 

What is even more alarming, and the ultimate betrayal, is that Biden and Blinken, neither of whom have served in the military nor trained to plan military operations, have delayed shipments of precision weapons and ammunition to Israel over its intentions to enter Rafah and clean out the remaining battalions of Hamas terrorist fighters and leadership. The use of these weapons would make the Israeli operations more precise and prevent many unintended civilian casualties. Biden and Blinken have turned out to be Hamas’ best negotiators. Why should Hamas agree to release the hostages it has held for seven months and agree to surrender with the American President and his Secretary of State on their negotiating team?


 American Jews today must acknowledge that the Democrat Party has been hijacked by the Leftwing Progressive Squad and their supporters. Mainstream Democrats: where are you? As the Republican National Committeewoman from Connecticut, I proudly belong to a Party that opposes antisemitism, stands with Israel, and declares this publicly. I urge American Jewish voters to read the latest RNC Resolution expressing strong support for Israel that I co-wrote with my colleague, the National Committeewoman from Nevada. Our resolution was unanimously supported at our RNC Winter Meeting in January. The Republican Party stands against antisemitism in America and proudly for Israel. These are the existential issues for us as American Jews. So to my fellow members of the Jewish Community: from now until November 5, Joe Biden will lie, gaslight, and pander his way through the campaign by talking out of both sides of his mouth to both our community and to those who sympathize with Hamas terrorists. When you cast your ballot, take heed of his actions, not his words.

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