
Whatever Happens, Just Keep Video-Taping This Campaign

Why is that the one time I watch a debate between Allen and Webb, no one makes any outrageous religious, racial, or sexual comments. I'm outraged that I wasn't outraged! I want outrage on demand!

Reporter to Allen: "Are you a Jew? I'm just lookin' for some honesty, here."

Thankfully, the audience at this debate was smarter than Rosie O'Donnell's View audience and responded appropriately-- by booing.

Dean Barnett thinks this incident bodes well for Allen.

Update: A Townhall reader heard from the reporter in question, Peggy Fox of WUSA9:

Thank you for writing regarding my question at the debate yesterday. The point of my question was not the Senator's religious heritage itself, but about a report in the Jewish newspaper "the Forward" that he may have avoided discussing his background because it may cost him votes and political support in Virginia.

I regret the way I worded the question and the way Senator Allen turned the spotlight onto the question itself without addressing the bigger political issue which could be relevant to the campaign.

Thanks again for writing. Your concerns will be shared with W*USA managers and reporters.


I have no idea if Allen is avoiding discussing his heritage. It seems very silly to make it the basis of a debate question. From what I've seen and read so far from Fox and from Milbank in the Post today, it seems more likely that Jewish heritage question, and the implication that it's being avoided because Virginians don't like them Jews who done kilt Jesus, is largely an issue created by the Dem camp and perpetuated by the press.

I would guess that the Jewish heritage question is being more ignored than avoided since no one really cares if Allen's Mama's Daddy's wife was Jewish or not. Just my gut on the issue. Fox and Milbank just seem a lot more concerned about exactly who's Jewish and how much than any Southerners I've ever happened to meet.

Virginia newspaper coverage seems to be covering up the reporter's gaffe of a question in stories today.