
Obama Releases Full Birth Certficate

According to CNN, the White House has released President Obama's long form birth certificate after mounting pressure and highly publicized comments from potential presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The White House released President Obama's original birth certificate Wednesday.

A new CNN investigation revealed earlier this week what most analysts have been saying since the "birther" controversy erupted during the 2008 presidential campaign: Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.

While the president has made light of the controversy, the question remained political red meat for some of his critics. A recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll showed that nearly 75% of Americans believe Obama was definitely or probably born in the United States. More than four in 10 Republicans, however, believe he probably or definitely was not born in America.

According to AP:

The certificate, released Wednesday, says Obama was born in Hawaii, which makes him eligible to hold the office of president. Obama had earlier released a standard short form, but requested copies of his original birth certificate from Hawaii officials this week.

UPDATE: "Certificate of Live Birth"
