
Helping the Rightroots!

Lorie Byrd has several ideas on ways to help the Rightroots effort.

First and foremost, you can jump over to Rightroots and give generously. Here's the original explanation of the effort, which is a great way for you to make a difference in 2006, quickly and easily.

Second, bloggers who want to get involved can endorse the Rightroots list in a post and let us know. Trackback to Lorie's post to get involved.

A bunch of bloggers sent me their endorsements last week, so thanks, guys!

Bloggers can also run a free BlogAd on their pages.

Whatever you do, get involved! We all know 2006 is, by no means, a guaranteed win for Republicans. Plunking a little change in the bucket for the list of Rightroots candidates can go a long way.