
HamNation: The Week in Peeps (Reprise)

Yeah, yeah, I know I said I was on hiatus, but Katie came back and, lo and behold, we pulled something together.

I've gotten so many comments on the last "Week in Peeps," I figured no one would mind another one. This time, we've upgraded hair, make-up, and set design. The tannest Congressman gets Mystic tanned and one Peep is double the fun. Enjoy!

Katie also provided the lovely and appropriate new T-shirts for the shoot. Click through to her blog to thank her for her good taste.

Update: And, since I'm picking on John Boehner's super-natural tan in my HamNation--all in good fun; I really like Boehner-- please also watch Boehner do us proud once again this week. Here he is truly understanding the threat on the floor of the House. It's a must-watch.