
George Allen Says He Won't Run for Senate

The Hill reports that former Senator George Allen is supporting Fred Thompson's presidential bid.  In addition, Allen will not run for Senate if John Warner retires.

I missed this story, yesterday, but it's interesting to me, for a few reasons:

1. Did Ed Gillespie's decision to step down as Chairman of the VA GOP (and to serve as Counselor to President Bush) foreshadow Allen's decision not to run again for Senate?

2.  By endorsing Thompson, Allen is not endorsing his fellow former VA Governor, Jim Gilmore (though he does have good things to say about Gilmore).  Is this a slap in the face to Gilmore? 

3.  ... On the other hand, by not running for Senate in '08, is Allen opening the door for Jim Gilmore to be the conservative alternative to Congressman Tom Davis (should Warner retire)?

4.  Lastly, is it a coincidence that former Allen web guru (and all-around eCampaign expert) Jon Henke recently joined the Thompson eCampaign?