While the Associated Press reports that Democrat U.S. Senate hopeful Chris Coons (D-DE) claims he “successfully restored his county to financial health and is ready to do the same for the federal government,” an examination of Coons’ record as New Castle County Executive shows otherwise.
In fact, by Coon’s own standard, he led the county from being “fundamentally sound” to the verge of bankruptcy in just four years, lamenting that the county was “18 months from being out of money” and “unable to operate.”
Coons also (shockingly!) has a track record as a tax hiker:
Coons Increased Property Taxes Three Times As County Executive
In 2009, Coons Proposed A 25 Percent Increase In The Property Tax, The Second Largest Increase In County History. (Angie Basiouny, “Coons’ 2010 Proposal Hits Hard -- And Broad,” The [Wilmington, DE] News Journal, 3/18/09)
In 2007, Coons Proposed Raising Property Taxes 17.5 Percent.The [Wilmington, DE] News Journal, 3/21/07) (Angie Basiouny, “17 Percent Tax Hike Proposed For NCCo,”
In 2006, Coons Proposed Increasing Property Taxes Five Percent. (Alison Kepner, “Residents Say Tax Hike Small, But Express Fears For Future,” The [Wilmington, DE] News Journal, 5/16/06)
Nice work by the NRSC oppo-research crew unmasking Coons as the irresponsible, economy-destroying Left-winger that he is.
UPDATE: This post was edited to reflect the date stamp on the NRSC post. I misread the date of publication, making my description of the NRSC's contribution as "belated," moot.