
Bloggers in N.C.: Come Visit Us!

Sounds like the perfect event for me, huh?

Could be that's why I'm speaking there-- at Carolina FreedomNet 2006, Oct. 7 in Greensboro.

Scott Johnson of PowerLine is key-noting, and some of my favorite bloggers are on panels-- folks like Lorie Byrd and Sister Toldjah, and Bob Owens of Confederate Yankee.  

I always have a great time meeting bloggers I talk to online all the time, and you'll have a great time meeting the bloggers you read all the time, if you are near the event.

Come on down and see us. I'll be speaking on a panel about how blogging is changing the political landscape. The event is hosted by the John Locke Foundation-- a great, conservative think-tank that does great work keeping my home state in line.

Register now and come have fun times with us!

Full disclosure: My dad works for the John Locke Foundation, but y'all probably new that already. You can meet him too!