
The Making of an Anti-War Folk Hero

Starts with the AP's dishonest reporting.

Meet Peace Grandma, an "unlikely" activist, indeed.

What will also likely get lost in the hubbub about this brave, elderly protestor is why she was arrested in the first place (emphasis mine):

The protest clogged traffic in this southern Vermont town's busiest intersection, delaying at least one hospital-bound ambulance and infuriating truck drivers and others.

"It wasn't about the war in Iraq," said police Lt. Paul Doucette, who ordered the arrests at the scene. "It was public safety at risk. This whole scene could've turned very ugly very quickly. So we did what was best. Now all of them have paid the price, except this one."

The other members of the so-called "Bennington 12" pleaded guilty and were accepted into a court-ordered program for first-time offenders. Jackowski refused, saying she did nothing wrong. After a one-day trial, a jury took less than 15 minutes to find her guilty.

Everyone else arrested has taken their lumps, and Peace Grandma refuses to. I wonder if that has something to do with the fact that she makes such a sympathetic symbol, such a cute picture, such an "unlikely activist."

Nah, that couldn't be it. I mean, this quote is the most sincere, heart-wrenching thing I've heard in quite some time:

"I'm just a little old grandmother who has been really, really affected by the fact that my government is bombing children in Iraq. I can't tell you how deeply I feel about this," she said.

Keep your eyes on this one. Sheehan, the Second Coming. And, let's not forget another of the media's favorite little old grandmothers.