
Your Health Care, Your Freedom

Guest post by Rep. Dave Camp (R-Mi.)

Health care reform is a necessity in America. For too long, too many people haven't gotten the affordable, accessible health care they've needed. I've heard from many of my constituents and others through tele-town halls, and in letters, phone calls and e-mails on what we can do better to improve the health care system. The clear message is this: Americans want, deserve, and demand health care reform.

This week, the House GOP Health Care Solutions Group, which I am a member of, announced a plan for health care reform that would ensure all Americans have access to affordable, high-quality care at a price our country can afford.

Our health care plan will:

1. Make quality health care coverage affordable and accessible for every American, regardless of pre-existing health conditions.

2. Protect Americans from being forced into a new government-run health care plan that would: a) eliminate the health care coverage that more than 100 million Americans currently receive through their job; b) limit your choice of doctors and medical treatment options; and c) result in the federal government taking control of your health care.
3. Let Americans who like their health care coverage keep it, and give all Americans the freedom to choose the health plan that best meets their needs.
4. Ensure that medical decisions are made by patients and their doctors, not government bureaucrats.
5. Improve Americans’ lives through effective prevention, wellness, and disease management programs, while developing new treatments and cures for life-threatening diseases.
Republicans stand ready and willing to work with the President and our Democrat colleagues in Congress to craft a solution that achieves those goals.

Congressman Camp represents Michigan's 4th district and is the ranking member on the House Committee on Ways and Means.