
Michele Bachmann's Surprising Path to the White House

Stillwater, Minn., motherhood was the unlikely path that took GOP presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann to Capitol Hill ... and potentially the White House.


From Townhall Magazine's EXCLUSIVE September feature "From Parenting to Politics":

"Now in her presidential campaign, [Rep. Michele] Bachmann  carefully crafts her message in terms that resonate with families. For example, her deficit message claims government overspending hurts American families. It's time, she says, for someone who has balanced a household budget to balance the federal government's.

"In an interview with Townhall, Bachmann says her calls for government frugality are no surprise to her children.

"As a stay-at-home mother with five children and a steady stream of foster kids, Bachmann says she was a guru of the garage sale.

"'Both my husband and I are good deal shoppers," she says. "It was unusual for us to go to the retail stores. We'd go there twice a year for the sidewalk sales when things were 75 to 90 percent off."

"Mother Bachmann isn't surprised her son Lucas remembers one shopping trip for boots when she left a local Goodwill store, telling her children the boots were 'overpriced.'

"'That is so true,' she laughs. 'I can even remember exactly what I was wearing. The kids looked at me and their eyes bugged out of their heads and they thought, "What? It's Goodwill.'"

Get the September issue of Townhall Magazine to read reporter Kathy Jessup's profile of this GOP presidential candidate.

"Bachmann's conservative views, combined with her mother-next-door persona, rankled politics-as-usual when she won a 2000 Minnesota Senate election." ~ from Kathy Jessup in From Parenting to Politics.

Order Townhall Magazine today to get the full profile in the September issue.