
More Feedback on the American Taxpayer Bill of Rights

Here is a little more feedback on what is being said about the American Taxpayer Bill of Rights:

Club for Growth President Pat Toomey:
"We are proud of the work RSC members are doing to protect taxpayers, promote economic growth, and curtail government spending…American taxpayers would be better off if more congressional members followed in their lead." More

Patrick O’Connor from the Politico in an entertaining write up about our press conference yesterday: 
"Rep. Tom Feeney, the always eloquent Florida Republican, followed up that zinger by quoting the 18th Century French philosopher and satirist Voltaire in his own mini-discourse on the fundamental injustice of the Democrats’ fiscal policy."

Rep. Tom Price (R-Georgia) and I both made posts about the proposal on the Hill’s Blog:

Rep. Tom Price of Georgia:
"I think it’s important for us to appreciate that it is time for us to stop finding ways to fund larger government."

My Post
"Known as the 'American Taxpayer Bill of Rights' this proposal will lay the foundation for resolving the fiscal nightmare that is our current budgetary and spending process."