
"The Conservatives": Movie Response to Liberal Class Warfare

In response to the president’s most recent attacks on American prosperity, (“most recent” are the key words here), the Young America’s Foundation has released a strong statement in defense of American citizens and reinforcement to Conservative youth.

President Obama, the anti-small-business man in chief, recently said: “If you’ve got a business- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Obviously, Conservatives like Ron Meyer, spokesman for the Young America’s Foundation (YAF), disagree with that statement.

Today, Meyer released YAF’s movie trailer for the film, “The Conservatives”, which is designed to respond to Obama’s class warfare. Featuring strong Conservative leaders like Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin, Jonah Goldberg, Monica Crowley, Walter Williams, Stephen Moore, and Peter Schweizer, the trailer begins by addressing the liberal ideology preached in American schools.

“Everything I was hearing [in college] was wrong,” Levin, author and radio show host says in the trailer. “[Free enterprise] is the only system that creates wealth for the most people. No other system can. No other system will.”

YAF, which works to promote Conservatism on college campuses, created the trailer with award-winning director, Stephen K. Bannon, to “present a positive alternative to campus leftism.”

“You’re the 300 at Thermopylae!” New York Times bestselling author, Jonah Goldberg, says to conservative students. “That’s a great fight, and you get to have that fight.”

“Conservatives will not sit on the sidelines as higher education and the Obama administration attempts to keep passing along their collectivist agenda to our nation’s youth,” Meyer added in a statement.

The Conservatives, which will debut August 1 at YAF’s National Conservative Student Conference in Washington, D.C., is available for pre-order or a scheduled showing at Because the film aids YAF in helping young Americans stimulate the Conservative atmosphere on their campuses, copies are completely free to students.

This post was authored by Townhall editorial intern Justice Gilpin-Green.