
Go Figure: Business Owners Disapprove of Obama By Wide Margin

See the category everyone's buzzing about, second from the bottom:

To put this number in context, bear in mind that Obama's "you didn't build that"moment came in mid-July.  Gallup's survey data was gathered during the second quarter of this year -- April, May and June.  So President Obama was already 24 points underwater with this group before be started belittling their hard work and ramping up his push for small business tax hikes.  This is why Team Romney isn't going to back off.  They've released a new "These Hands" video, this time in Nevada.  It features a small business owner who argues that Obama's comments in Virginia simply reflect the attitude he's demonstrated throughout his presidency:


"Your words were bad enough, but your actions over the last four years speak even louder."

The Romney campaign is soliciting similar stories from entrepreneurs nationwide, as they kick off a 24-event "we did build this" tour across 12 battleground states:

Staying on offense is the right move.  Will they start folding in "it worked," as well?