
Hey, We Won <em>Something</em>

All right, I mentioned this on CNN last night, and I think I totally inflated my numbers, for which I apologize. I just read the leaderboard wrong. It was an honest mistake. Oh, and I really was at the CNN party, even if you didn't catch me on TV. Here's photographic evidence (red dress, as usual).

But, the Townhall blog did win the Get on the Phone contest between bloggers. Not that it's much consolation, but we logged 3,570 calls among us, and I just wanted to thank all of you for helping out. We just edged out Human Events and Red State for the prize, so way to go, guys.

Rob Bluey at Human Events credits the silly GOTV ad I made, which has been mentioned in a NYT political blog and shown briefly on CNN the other day, so not too shabby. Wish it had made more of a difference.

In other "we actually won something" news, we kept Deborah Pryce who looked like she might be endangered by the blue wave that washed over Ohio. She sent a letter this morning announcing that she's stepping down from the chair position for the House Republican Conference:

As all of you know, I faced a very tough reelection fight for my congressional seat this cycle. While there are still thousands of provisional ballots left to be counted, all signs indicate that we have won the race and I am confident I will eventually be declared the winner. While I know we can keep this seat Republican in the future, it will take time and effort. I believe it is in the best interest of the party and the Conference that I keep my focus on my district for the next two years and ensure this seat remains safely in Republican hands.

I wish to thank each of you for the support you have given me as Conference Chair.

And, this is cool. The Club for Growth won all its top-tier races last night, putting five really solid fiscal conservatives in the House to bolster a future Minority Leader Pence/Whoever.  

Finally, watch Corker's acceptance speech, here. Really, it'll make you feel better.