
Americans Want to Drill, Drill, Drill

A new Rasmussen polling report  finds 67 percent of Americans support drilling off the coasts of Florida, California and other states. Only 18 percent disagreed and 15 percent were undecided.

The poll also finds 64 percent of Americans believe drilling will bring down the price of gasoline.

This should come as welcome news to John McCain who will be making a formal call for increasing energy exploration off our coastlines, by way of lifting existing oil moratoriums, in a Texas speech late this afternoon.

He's also got a new energy ad up, touting how he's "stood up" to President Bush on global warming.

Here's the script.

ANNCR: John McCain stood up to the President and sounded the alarm on global warming … five years ago.

Today, he has a realistic plan that will curb greenhouse gas emissions.

A plan that will help grow our economy and protect our environment.

Reform. Prosperity. Peace. John McCain.

JOHN MCCAIN: I’m John McCain and I approve this message.