
Biden Takes a Blowtorch to Obama in New Book

Bob Woodward has a new book, War, about the inner dynamics of the Biden White House, some of which you probably guessed to be true in the long four years we’ve suffered under this man. It paints a picture that’s become familiar: an angry old man, not in control, and holding seething resentment toward pretty much everyone, including Barack Obama. It captures the baffling arrogance of Mr. Biden, who has never done anything remotely significant to earn such a demeanor. 

We learn how he refers to Donald Trump in private—“that f**king a**hole”—and how he rages against his former boss, even blaming him for the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and his lengthy diatribes against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. It can all be grounded in one simple truth: Biden hates these men due to political differences, perceived lack of experience, like with Obama, or because no one listens to him, as with Bibi. 

That’s some high school nonsense, though it highlights how weak this presidency was and how it could be easily brushed aside. That vulnerability partially is why it was so easy for top Democratic Party donors and congressional leaders to push Biden out of the 2024 race in July. Nancy Pelosi, who isn’t even speaker, wields more power than Biden. The best is Biden seething at Obama over Crimea and having the stones to tell BiBi he has no plan in Gaza. Joe, negotiating with genocidal terrorists isn’t a plan either. Your way led to nowhere, a perfect analogy for your public career in its entirety, and you’re just as much a bumbling fool as Obama was abroad—talk about the pot calling the kettle black (via CNN): 

In his new book, legendary journalist Bob Woodward offers a remarkable look behind the scenes at President Joe Biden’s blunt, profanity-laced assessments and interactions with the world leaders who have shaped his presidency, from Benjamin Netanyahu to Vladimir Putin. 

“That son of a bitch, Bibi Netanyahu, he’s a bad guy. He’s a bad fucking guy!” Biden declared privately about the Israeli prime minister to one of his associates in the spring of 2024 as Israel’s war in Gaza intensified, Woodward writes. 


In the aftermath of the October 7, 2023, attack on Israel, Woodward describes the roller-coaster relationship between Biden and Netanyahu. While Biden supported Israel publicly, he fought with Netanyahu behind the scenes over how Israel was conducting the war in Gaza. 

“What’s your strategy, man?” Biden asked Netanyahu during an April phone call, Woodward reports. 

“We have to go into Rafah,” Netanyahu said. 

“Bibi, you’ve got no strategy.” Biden responded. 


Biden told Netanyahu on a call to “take the win,” though the Israeli prime minister pushed back. “You don’t need to make another move. Do nothing,” Biden said. 

In the end, Israel launched a limited, calibrated strike against Iran, which Biden considered a win. 

“I know he’s going to do something but the way I limit it is tell him to ‘Do nothing,’” Biden told his advisers, according to Woodward. 

But Biden’s frustration with Netanyahu boiled over as the war continued to escalate. 

“He’s a fucking liar,” Biden said privately of Netanyahu, after Israel went into Rafah, Woodward writes. 

“Bibi, what the fuck?” Biden yelled at Netanyahu in July after an Israeli airstrike killed a top Hezbollah military commander and three civilians in Beirut, according to Woodward. 

“You know the perception of Israel around the world increasingly is that you’re a rogue state, a rogue actor,” Biden said to Netanyahu. 

Netanyahu responded that the target was “one of the leading terrorists.” 


After the disastrous US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden received a commiserating phone call from another member of the president’s club. 

“Oh boy, I can understand what you’re going through,” Bush said to Biden. “I got fucked by my intel people, too,” Woodward writes. 

Ahead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden complained that Obama didn’t do enough to stop Putin in 2014, when the Russian leader invaded Crimea. 

“They fucked up in 2014,” Biden said to a friend, according to Woodward. “That’s why we are here. We fucked it up. Barack never took Putin seriously.” 

Biden added, “We did nothing. We gave Putin a license to continue!” Biden was angry: “Well, I’m revoking his fucking license!” 

Biden has remained hands off with the Justice Department. But privately, Woodward reveals the president’s anger at the prosecution of his son, especially toward his attorney general.

“Should never have picked Garland,” Biden once told an associate, Woodward reports. “This is never going to fucking go away,” Biden complained. 

Woodward also describes a scene between father and son at the White House in the spring of 2022. The president was having dinner with a friend, when Hunter Biden came in, sat down and began talking about why he was the person with the most to lose from the midterm elections. 

“Hunter rambled on about his personal crisis,” Woodward writes. “President Biden leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes and sighed.” 

It’s no wonder why nothing got done. Joe Biden was either too stupid to know what to do, or spent his time consumed with resentment that not one listened to him. What a burden that must’ve been. The portions about Merrick Garland I find especially entertaining since this man used the Department of Justice to interfere in IRS investigations into Hunter.

The Biden presidency is weak. The president is unqualified and lacks the temperament. The other reason Biden wanted the war in Gaza to end was that it was killing him with young voters in crucial swing states. Biden has been wrong on everything, especially on foreign policy, for 40 years. That’s why he’s not taken seriously. And he has zero standing in bashing Obama—both men are idiots. Both backed the Iran nuclear deal, which was a failure. Biden reportedly didn’t support the special operations mission that killed Osama bin Laden. 

Go to bed, Grandpa; people smarter than you are trying to keep the world together. Also, Biden’s security team thought Putin would use nukes in Ukraine. Really?

It was just an overall incompetent operation we had for four years. I’m shocked we’re all still here, to be honest.