
Josh Hawley Just Went Scorched Earth on Liberal Reporter Who Published Fake 'Fact-Check'

Liberal media is revving up its bias against Republican lawmakers as the 2024 election gets near. It will stop at nothing to bring down the red wave across the country— even claiming to “fact check” a debunked story. 

Left-wing KSDK reporter Mark Maxwell ran a piece about Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), supposedly “fact-checking” the senator’s involvement with Army negotiations to secure funding for military housing.

However, Maxwell’s piece has one issue. He failed to contact the Army and the military base itself. 

Instead, Maxwell’s cited so-called “source” was a political opponent of Hawley’s— who was not present during negotiations with the Army. He also said in a previous article that he wants to see Hawley lose his re-election. 

Hawley took to social media to dismiss and criticize the fact-check, calling it "categorically false” and slamming the piece as “fake news at its dishonest worst.” He shared a letter from the Secretary of the Army explaining that it "worked closely" with Hawley to "develop the unprecedented recapitalization effort" to provide new military housing. 

Abigail Jackson, Hawley’s communications director, also called out Maxwell for not using actual evidence to support his claims. 

According to emails that Townhall reviewed, evidence provides proof that the Army and  Hawley spoke about military housing during a phone call and that the Army followed up to put the deal the senator negotiated in writing. The deal secured $91.4 million in funding for new military housing. 

Maxwell was the same reporter who had a liberal meltdown when tweeted angrily by Elon Musk and then claimed he was "drunk" while on the job.