
Black Woman's Response About Her Interaction With a White Person Says Everything About the Woke Left

It's not a new story, but it perfectly captures the off-the-wall ethos that woke leftists have adopted in their daily lives. It reads like something that cannot be remotely true due to the lack of intelligence. The logic is a trainwreck, but apparently, it's a true story. In 2022, a Nubian Afro-indigenous person had a run-in with a white person about hip hop, and her world fell apart. She was afflicted with paralyzing racial trauma so significant that she couldn’t function or work. She established this GoFundMe page in 2022, and the details are absurd.

It's a Canada-based tale of insanity. This person, "Doaa Magdy," had a triggering event in April 2022, which led her to establish this GoFundMe page. Is this individual transgender? Who knows. Maybe. I honestly cannot comprehend this tale, which says everything about how the woke left is supremely insufferable [emphasis mine]: 

Hello! My name is Doaa. I am a Nubian Afro-Indigenous interdisciplinary artist and decolonial practice-based researcher, currently residing on the stolen lands of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and Sel̓íl̓witulh (Tsleil-Waututh) peoples, (colonially known as Vancouver). 

It is really difficult for me to ask for financial support, however I have exhausted all of my options and need my community’s help through my healing journey. I work for a charitable Arts Organization and I am initiating this GoFundMe because I am currently dealing with the impacts of racial trauma I experienced at a work event, which took place on April 7th and 8th, 2022. 

On the 7th, I faced racist and transphobic remarks from an artistic director working in one of BC’s school districts. On the 8th, I witnessed a culturally appropriated performance by a local non-Black Hip Hop instructor, who publicly humiliated me and the Black community after I highlighted her lack of cultural and historical context about Hip Hop. This had to be addressed, as it to could be harmful for the children she educates in schools. She admitted that her dance school does not have a single Black instructor because they lack the “TEN years of experience she’s looking for.” My employer took no action with either the transphobic educator or the dance instructor; not even an email of acknowledgment was sent to the colleagues in support of the only Black employee. 

I had a mental breakdown and left the event early with permission from my employer, only to later receive a text that the staff photo was overlooked and was taken without me; I was excluded, which further alienated me. Additionally, after this traumatic event, celebratory messages were shared internally about how “successful” the event was, completely dismissing my trauma until I brought these insensitive and hurtful messages to their attention. 

Racial trauma has tremendously impacted my mental and physical health in ways I never experienced before. I haven’t been eating, drinking or sleeping well. My sense of taste and smell changed. Even food I used to enjoy smells repulsive. I have severe neck and shoulder pain that I am currently treating out of pocket since my extended health coverage through work has been exceeded. I have suffered multiple anxiety attacks in public, which is why I limited commuting on public transit and am using Lyft/Uber instead. My ADHD symptoms worsened, as my brain feels extremely overwhelmed trying to navigate ways to cope with the trauma, financial burden, and stress. Most of the time, I have extreme fear of leaving my apartment unless I am with my friends. It takes me hours to plan leaving, and a lot of times, I get so physically exhausted from thinking and planning, I just give up and don’t leave. 

First, what the hell is "xʷməθkʷəy̓əm"? It looks like something that would spill out if you dragged your finger across a keyboard. No doubt this incident wasn't a source of trauma, but likely a respectful interaction, though one that didn't comport with Doaa's worldview, which led to this epic meltdown. Whatever the case, she's obviously recovered, as she's now the creator of some horror film festival that features non-white filmmakers. 

Yet, the best part about her GoFundMe page is that she created it and wrote her sob story but didn't update it for months because her page triggered her. This entry was from September 2022:


Thank you so much for everyone who donated here and/or e-transfered me some funds. 

I haven't posted an update in a bit as I was waiting to hear back some details from my employer. Also, due to my severe PTSD resulting from the racial trauma, I have physical symptoms now everytime I think of my workplace: gagging, nausea, severe muscle pain. One of the triggers is my GoFundMe which is why it took me some time to write an update here. 

A white person caused my sense of smell and taste to be altered. That's pure cinema.