
Jill Biden Leading a Cabinet Meeting Wasn't the Only Thing That Was Weird Yesterday

Yesterday, Jill Biden sat in on a Biden administration cabinet meeting. There hasn’t been a gathering of Joe Biden’s circus for nearly a year—it was the first such meeting in 11 months. And Jill sat at the head of the table, talking about a peaceful transition of power. The overall theme was to put the Biden agenda in hyperdrive mode since this failure of a presidency is finally ending. Yet, the whole spectacle was weird. Who’s the president of the United States?

Joe quit the race on July 21, but who runs things in Washington? I think we know. Besides the meeting, Jill is giving West Wing tours, chatting it up with the press, and letting them sit behind the Resolute Desk.   

So, with a powder keg situation in Ukraine, which could spark World War III if things go off the rails, we have this ‘everything is fine’ attitude because Donald Trump isn’t occupying the White House. That could change in less than 60 days. Also, isn’t this tacit acknowledgment that no one legitimate is helming the ship? No one voted for Jill Biden, and no one voted for Kamala to be the 2024 nominee.