
A Major Talking Point About Illegal Aliens and Crime Just Went Up in Smoke

Since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris opened the border in January 2021 and flooded the country with more than 15 million illegal aliens, Democrats and their leftist allies in the media have claimed American citizens are more likely to commit crimes than the "newcomers."

But as Venezuelan gangs take over apartment buildings outside of Denver and in Chicago, that narrative has gone up in smoke. 

In New York City, 75 percent of arrests made by police are of illegal aliens. 

"Across New York, recently arrived migrants are flooding the criminal justice system — at far higher rates than public officials have acknowledged," the New York Post reports. "Police sources shared with The Post a staggering estimate that as many as 75% of the people they’ve been arresting in Midtown Manhattan in recent months for crimes like assault, robbery and domestic violence are migrants. In parts of Queens, the figure is more than 60%, sources there estimate."

"On any given day, Big Apple criminal court dockets are packed with asylum seekers who have run afoul of the law," the story continues. 

Meanwhile, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants amnesty for these criminals.