
Gold Star Mom Had a Perfect Response to the Lib Media's Meltdown Over Trump's Visit to Arlington Cemetery

The liberal media went into meltdown mode over former President Donald Trump visiting Arlington Cemetery, honoring the 13 American servicemembers who were killed during the Abbey Gate suicide bombing attack during Joe Biden’s shambolic exit from Afghanistan in August of 2021.

August 26th was the third anniversary. Trump laid a wreath during the ceremony. Joe Biden was passed out on a beach. It made Democrats look bad. The media knows it, so the fake news stories about the event have begun.

The best is how the media is now accusing Trump of politicizing the deaths of these soldiers. It’s laughable and embarrassing since we all know why they’re throwing a tantrum since old Joe Biden couldn’t be bothered to appear. Second, the families of the victims invited the former president. This isn’t a debate. It’s just the media acting like losers. Gold Star Mom Kelly Hoover, who lost her son, Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin Taylor Hoover, in the attack, shut down the legacy press. 

“Are you in my shoes? I invited him [Trump]. My son was murdered under the Biden-Harris administration,” she said. 

National Public Radio tried to smear the Trump campaign for being abusive to cemetery workers or something. Not a single member of these Gold Star families was contacted by the liberal rag. 

It’s a story that is now cemented in the liberal bubble as fact. Let them wallow in this delusion. Trump did what presidents should do. Biden did not. Harris did not.