
Isn't Anyone Else Offended By How Dems Are Treating Kamala?

There’s one thing Democrats hope comes out of the Kamala Harris campaign: absolute silence. It’s astounding that this party tried to sell the line that Donald Trump was afraid to debate Kamala Harris, which was never the case, as Trump wanted three debates with the vice president, but they’re hesitant to talk policy. What are they afraid of? That the VP will peddle something that’s a cross between insane and neo-Trotskyite—they got that this week with their price-gouging nonsense or her plans to make housing more affordable. She’s half a loaf, and for Democrats to say it’s okay that the person who could be the leader of the free world shouldn’t talk about her agenda is downright cowardice. 

What voters glean from this should be that Democrats think you’re too dumb to understand this election. It could also be a tacit acknowledgment that Harris’ record is so loony toon Left that she’s unelectable. It’s almost as if her quitting the 2020 primaries before Iowa was indicative of something: she sucks, and people don’t like her. It’s Obamacare all over again with the ‘we need to pass it so we can see what’s in it’ nonsense. Democrats are fine saying we need to elect Harris first before we talk about her agenda, all of which are 180-degree turns from her initial positions or ones stolen from Donald Trump (via Politico): 

Congressional Democrats are largely content to wait until after the election for Kamala Harris to drill down on her policy agenda. 

As she picks up the mantle from President Joe Biden and heads into an energized convention next week, the Democratic nominee is slowly rolling out some policy proposals and disavowing some of her former positions. But mostly, she’s leaning into a general positive message that has wider appeal, specifically because it’s light on the details. 


Still, Democrats feel little urgency for the Harris campaign to put out detailed new policy documents that could easily become further campaign ad fodder for the right, especially as Trump has struggled to hit her effectively over the last month. They’ve seen polls, in the presidential race and down ballot, shift in their favor after Harris’ rise, and believe her lack of fidelity to certain policy positions will continue to be an asset to elections across the country. 

“They have very little knowledge about who she is, what her job has actually been,” said one battleground-district House Democrat, granted anonymity to speak candidly, of voters’ attitudes toward Harris. “They know Trump. They know what his policies are. They don’t know Kamala. And so Kamala has a ton of room right now to define herself.” 


Elected officials are hoping an intentionally fuzzy approach on immigration, particularly, could help shield them from GOP attacks on the hot-button issue. The battleground Democrat predicted that the “broadest possible take” on immigration that focuses on values without “firm commitments” could help Harris recover ground with Hispanic votes. 

These people are taking bath salts: If Harris won’t talk, then all we have is her past record, which is left-wing drivel. She can’t be fuzzy on immigration—she was Biden’s border czar. If there’s any defining, it’ll be by the Republicans who have her dead to rights on major issues—all of which construct an unelectable candidate in a national race. We’re rating Kamala as if she was never in Washington for 3.5 years—she was. She owns the Biden agenda because that’s how it was all rolled out. You can’t memory hole this, folks. Harris is keeping things tighter than Biden but not running away with it. 

Democrats are afraid to debate and let Harris talk because she’s bad, their ideas are bad, and they’ll lose. Are they saying she’s too stupid? That’s how it should come off with any voter. Harris’ aversion to doing media interviews and press conferences, which ironically play a part in that whole ‘defining the candidate’ exercise, is grossly offensive to the electorate. Though when have Democrats respected voters--they only like the ones who obsess about abortion, proper pronouns, transgenders, gay porn in schools, and antisemites.  

Maybe Comrade Kamala is just too stupid to be president. If she can’t handle the media, that’s all for her, then maybe she’s too weak, too. Look, I'm all for Democrats turning themselves inside out on anything, but someone has to see that the establishment is projecting that Kamala is too dumb to be commander-in-chief, but they like her because she's a black woman. It's what you get when only white, rich, college-dedicated liberals, who are hyper-intense about everything, take over the messaging, something that non-white Democrats aren't too thrilled about.