
Latest Attack on JD Vance Totally Flops, Even With Progressives

The latest attack on JD Vance is a dud. It’s not just me saying that; we have liberals agreeing that it’s weak sauce. Of course, the ‘Republicans against Trump’ clowns think this was a damning attack on Donald Trump’s running mate. The DailyMail found some pictures of JD Vance from high school. Yeah, we’re back to this again:

DailyMail. com has obtained a photo of JD Vance posing with three female classmates in a boys restroom during his senior year of high school in Ohio. 

So weird. 

“Pretending to be scandalized or offended by JD being a typical goofball in his youth is so dumb, this is a benignly funny picture and you know it,” responded Michael Tracey, a progressive reporter. 

Jill Filipovic, a liberal feminist writer, added, “I’m positive this will be my most-hated tweet of the day but taking a dumb and awkward picture when you’re a kid is just not that big of a deal, the Daily Mail shouldn’t have published it, and none of us should care.” 

And these are committed anti-Trump pundits, so it's no wonder why this story never got off the ground. Also, the 'JD Vance is weird' attack might be losing its luster since there's nothing remotely weird about him. What is weird is the entire 2024 Democratic Party agenda, and whatever this is:

If this is all you can find, then there’s nothing, right? All of this should be settled in the debates, and it will.