
Kamala and Walz Fueled the Most Expensive Riots in American History

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris completed the Democratic ticket Tuesday when she tapped Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her vice presidential running mate. The choice comes just two weeks before the DNC convention in Chicago and after Harris ousted President Joe Biden and locked down the nomination

Harris and Walz have a lot in common, including being complicit in the 2020 riots -- the most expensive in American history. 

When Minneapolis was burning, Governor Waltz was nowhere to be found. 

And when the rioters and arsonists were arrested, Harris helped bail them out. She's still raising money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund. 

The riots of 2020 cost a number of people their lives, livilihoods and taxpayers billions of dollars. They also caused generational harm to local economies and communities. From Fox Business

The damage from riots and looting across the U.S. following the death of George Floyd is estimated to be the costliest in insurance history – between $1 billion and $2 billion.

Insurance Information Institute (or Triple-I) compiles information from a company called Property Claim Services (PCS), which has tracked insurance claims related to civil disorder since 1950, and other databases. It provided reports to Axios that the damage from unrest between May 26 and June 8 will be the most expensive in the nation’s history, surmounting the Rodney King riots of 1992 in Los Angeles.

The price tag could be as much as $2 billion and possibly more, according to Triple I. But the protests related to Floyd differ from others the database has tracked – never before have they been so widespread.