
With the Economy Cratering, Let's Watch Kamala Tout Bidenomics

For years the Biden White House has touted trillions of dollars in excess government spending, reallocated student loan debt the working class and lied about inflation being "transitory." President Biden and his staff touted "Bidenomics" as a roaring success and plastered it all over press releases and events. The official White House website boasts about Bidenomics dozens of times. 

"While our work isn’t finished, Bidenomics is already delivering for the American people," declares.

One of Bidenomics' best advocates has been Vice President Kamala Harris, who is now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president after pushing Biden out with Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama. 

On the campaign trail, Harris' newly minted campaign staff is trying to claim credit for Biden's policies while also defining her as a separate leader with her own successes and priorities. They're trying to have things both ways. 

Just three months from the November presidential election, the economy is cratering. Harris hasn't given direct comments to the press about the issue for months.