
With Polling Like This, It's No Wonder Americans Are Being Gaslit on Harris's Border Record

Vice President Kamala Harris is getting the VIP treatment from the liberal media and Big Tech. What does that look like in practice? Gaslighting. A supposedly nonpartisan organization that tracks voting records in Congress scrubbed its rating that put Harris to the left of Sen. Bernie Sanders. We're told she never supported a ban on fracking, though she said she did publicly on multiple occasions, footage of which you can find on X. And finally, we’re now being told the border czar, named as such by Joe Biden himself in 2021, was never actually a border czar.

While Republicans are emphasizing her role in the border crisis, noting that she failed on this front, what do voters think?

According to a new Rasmussen survey published Wednesday, 63 percent rate the VP “poor” to “fair” on the issue, with 48 percent describing her as the former.

Asked whether Harris’s job performance on the border issue will be important to their vote for president, a majority—60 percent—said it would. 

It’s no wonder the media and Democrats are trying to gaslight voters about her role addressing the border. But House Republicans are doing their part to remind voters about her record, passing a resolution last week calling out Harris for her failure to adequately address the border crisis in a 220-196 vote.

“No matter what congressional district you go to, the No. 1 issue facing Americans is Kamala Harris’ open border crisis,” said GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY), who spearheaded the resolution. “The American people deserve elected officials who understand the gravity of the crisis at the border.”