
Liberal Outlet Claims Trump's Shot to the Ear Was Nothing More Than a Way to Gain Voters' Sympathy

Here we go again. Another prominent liberal news outlet is peddling outlandish lies about the would-be assassination of former President Donald Trump. 

Newsweek published a smear piece insinuating that Trump hadn’t really been shot during his Pennsylvania rally earlier this month despite it clearly grazing his ear. 

Titled “Donald Trump Might Not Have Been Shot After All,” the outlet questioned whether the GOP nominee was actually hit by the 20-year-old gunman’s bullet or injured by shrapnel. 

The left-wing outlet justified their claim by citing testimony from FBI Director Christopher Wray, who also doubted an actual bullet hit Trump. 

“So it's conceivable, as I sit here right now, I don't know whether that bullet, in addition to, you know, causing the grazing, could have also landed somewhere else,” Wray added. 

Moments after the gunman fired shots at Trump, the former president stood up as blood dripped down his face. Later, he confirmed that he had been shot by the bullet and recalled hearing “whizzing shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin.” 

However, Newsweek editors suggested Trump was embellishing the event's facts to gain voters' sympathy ahead of the November election. 

Newsweek wasn’t the only one spewing lies to the public. 

MSNBC host Joy Reid and former ESPN anchor Keith Olbermann also claimed Trump “wasn’t hit by a bullet.” 

Meanwhile, tennis star Martina Navratilova said the bandage around Trump’s ear during the RNC was a “PR stunt.”