
Joe Biden Quitting the 2024 Race Left the Liberal Media Devastated

There is an addendum to the Democrats’ ‘we only like you when you’re dead’ rule. Let’s call it the Biden Collaroy because after subjecting this man to the proverbial death by a thousand cuts, plus stabbing him like Caesar, politically speaking, and then driving him over with a tank, the president finally called it quit. With fundraising stagnant, Hill Democrats in revolt, and top Democrats working behind the scenes to derail him while recovering from COVID, Joey decided to throw in the towel.

The liberal media has entered a coping phase not seen since the 2016 election, where Donald Trump staged the most incredible political upset over Hillary Clinton, and are now literally cryin’ for Biden as the president decided to end his presidential race today. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow and CNN’s Van Jones pretty much broke down today:

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) was devastated: 

Meanwhile, Pelosi, who took the gloves off during the Republican convention to dump the president, had this to say:

I mean, that’s cold. You throw the guy over the cliff but credit his patriotism. Pelosi is wrong on every issue, but as a political operator, she remains lethal.