
This Leak About Hillary Clinton and Biden Is Interesting

UPDATE: Joe Biden has dropped out of the 2024 race.


As the Democrats descended into total civil war, Biden looked as if he had few allies. Democratic governors are only backing him for now over 2028 concerns—quite a few want no vestige of the Biden-Harris vessel sticking around—and that’s about it. Donors are rebelling, with 65 percent of Democrats wanting Biden to drop out. Obama and his orbit are working behind the scenes to push out Joe, along with Hill Democrats. Since the end of the Republican National Convention, scores of Democrats have come out of the woodwork to plead with Joe to drop out. 

The president remains defiant, and one top Democrat allegedly encourages Biden to weather the storm: Hillary Clinton. 

As Guy mentioned, it’s an interesting leak. The former first lady is the cause of the reported rift between Biden and Barack Obama, who, without hesitation, rushed to endorse his former secretary of state over his vice president. Obama actively discouraged Biden from running in 2016. While Biden seethes over these defections within his party, he’s especially irritated at Obama, who he partially blames for giving us Trump. Hence, his recalcitrance toward all this chatter from other top Democrats, like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, in dropping out. He reportedly sees Obama as the puppet master in this scheme. 

Biden is holding on, albeit barely, limping into the Democrats’ convention next month and, if these trends hold, likely toward an Electoral College blowout in November.