
Top Dem Strategist: This Trump Assassination Attempt Might Be 'Staged'

Today, Sarah wrote about actors claiming the assassination attempt on Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, was staged. It’s been a dominant conspiracy theory among liberals on social media, ironic for a sect of America that has mocked us for peddling such drivel. However, conservatives usually turn out to be correct, as we were about COVID, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the deep state, and Russian collusion. Trump has broken the minds of these people, and it’s funny watching them spaz out on the floor, thanks to some triggering-induced seizure.

 Yet, it’s not random people on Twitter or Facebook. Top strategists to Democratic Party megadonors have been peddling this nonsense, threading anti-Trump hysterics with Russian collusion paranoia. Dmitri Mehlhorn was today’s featured looney toon. An adviser to billionaire Reid Hoffman, Mehlhorn expounded in an email how this assassination attempt might be a false flag, echoing that Vladimir Putin has allegedly used the same tactics to win election. He later apologized for his remarks (via Semafor): 

The top political adviser to Democratic mega-donor Reid Hoffman suggested that the attack on Donald Trump could have been “staged,” even as Hoffman was criticized for joking before Saturday’s attack about Trump becoming a “martyr.” 


The scale of Hoffman’s political donations isn’t public but the political adviser, Dmitri Mehlhorn, said on a recent private conference call that “Reed and I have invested nine figures of our own money to prevent Trump from getting back into office.” (The money appears to be largely Hoffman’s.) 

In an email Saturday at 7:34 pm that appeared to be addressed to sympathetic journalists, and which was also sent to Semafor, Mehlhorn wrote that one “possibility -- which feels horrific and alien and absurd in America, but is quite common globally -- is that this ‘shooting’ was encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash. This is a classic Russian tactic, such as when Putin killed 300 civilians in 1999 and blamed it on terrorists to ride the backlash to winning power. Others who have embraced this tactic of committing raw evil and then benefitting from the backlash include Hamas on October 7. If any Trump officials encouraged or knew of this attack, that is morally horrific, and Republicans of decency must demand that Trump step down as unfit.” 

The other possibility, Mehlhorn wrote, “is that some crazy anti-Trumper in this chaotic moment decided to assassinate the former President.” 

Mehlhorn, who co-founded a fund called “Investing in US” with Hoffman, made clear his impulse was toward the false flag theory. “I know I am prone to bias on this, but this is a classic Putin play and given the facts seems more plausible. Look at the actual shot. Look at the staging. Look at how ready Trump is to rally; this pampered baby shit his pants when an eagle lunged at his food. Look at how quickly Trump protects himself at the expense of others, but showed few of those lifelong instincts in this moment. And consider how often Putin and his allies run this play.”

When Democrats get kicked off their artificial perch, they don’t react lightly. Kadia Goba of Semafor, who penned the piece, wrote, “Educated Democrats like to sneer at the ‘disinformation’ spread on the American right, but the same patterns of thinking seem to affect all parts of American politics.”

A man was killed, and two others were injured in this attack. That’s something lost in the Left’s insane and selfish tantrum over this election cycle. They all thought Trump being re-nominated would mean an easy re-election. It’s funny that they felt so sure, given Biden’s lack of accomplishments and rapid mental decline. That plan got more than punched in the mouth—and the Left doesn’t know what to do.