
New Gallup Poll on Immigration Should Be an Eyeopener for the Biden Admin (but Don't Bet on It)

President Joe Biden insists that his disastrous border policies are "humane" and that it is America's responsibility to erase its international borders to become a cartel free-for-all. Instead of making America more welcoming to immigrants, the crisis at the border has only turned Americans against immigration — illegal and legal.

The latest survey from Gallup on the topic of immigration found that 55 percent of Americans, the highest percentage since October 2001 immediately following the terrorist attacks of September 11, want less immigration. Just 16 percent of Americans said there should be more immigration — a ten-point decrease from last year — and those who say immigration should be "kept at its present level" also slipped six points to 25 percent. 

As Gallup noted in its report on the data collected June 3-23:

This is the first time since 2005 that a majority of Americans have wanted there to be less immigration, and today’s figure is the largest percentage holding that view since a 58% reading in 2001. The record high was 65%, recorded in 1993 and 1995.

Americans' souring on immigration comes, Gallup reminds, "after monthly illegal border crossings reached record levels late last year" and "remain above most monthly pre-pandemic [read: Trump administration] totals."

An increasing number of Americans are attuned to the issue of immigration, again, thanks to Biden's botched policies and abdication of responsibility for a secure homeland. Previous Gallup polls have "consistently" found immigration ranking "among the top issues" identified by Americans as the "most important problem facing the country." 

The status of the U.S.-Mexico border is a "crisis" according to 42 percent of Gallup survey respondents while 35 percent say it's a "major problem."

At the same time Americans' preference for limiting immigration surged, support for more "restrictive measures" to crack down on illegal immigration "has risen" — including "a 13-point increase for expanding border walls (to 53%) and a 10-point increase for deporting all immigrants in the U.S. illegally (47%)."