
Don't Believe Reuters' New Article About Biden's Border Crisis

According to Reuters, President Joe Biden is deporting more illegal immigrants than the Trump Administration. 

However, that isn’t true. 

If you pay any slight attention to the news and what is happening around you, then you would know that in the last four years, the U.S. has seen an unprecedented amount of illegal aliens wreak havoc in American communities. 

With the 2024 election shy of just four months away, liberal outlets are on a mission to hype Biden up— should he stay in the race—and bring Trump down. 

Hence, Reuters claims that there have been more deportations under the Biden Administration than Trump.

However, in 2020, under the Trump Administration, there were 185,884 deportations—a stark difference from the amount under Biden. 

During his earlier years in office, Trump deported 256,085 illegal aliens. In 2018, there were 256,058, and in 2019, there were 267,258. 

Biden’s numbers didn’t even come close. 

In 2021, there were only 59,011 illegal immigrant removals, 72,177 in 2022, and 142,580 in 2023. 

Still, Reuters wants readers to believe that the Biden Administration has a high rate of deportations when, in reality, there has been a dramatic decrease in removals. 

Center for Immigration Studies explained how the Biden Administration has come to this outlandish conclusion. 

To understand how Reuters makes a claim on Biden’s deportations, it’s necessary to understand the difference between a “removal” conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and a “return” conducted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Generally, when we talk about deportations, we’re talking about a removal — an arrest of an illegal alien processed by ICE and deported back to the alien’s home country. When we talk about returns, we’re generally talking about people apprehended near the border who are quickly pushed back — returned — to Mexico within a matter of hours. And these returns are often of the same people attempting to enter illegally multiple times. DHS explains that a return is confirmed movement of an “alien out of the United States not based on an order of removal, but through either voluntary departure or voluntary return”. DHS explains that a “voluntary return may only take place at a border and be facilitated by CBP.” It can get a little more complicated than that, but generally speaking, returns are not removals or deportations. Via CIS. 

The number of “returns” has skyrocketed under Biden, which the report points out that the administration includes as part of deportation data. 

As illegal immigration becomes one of voter’s top concerns, the Biden Administration has begun to push back on the amount of illegal aliens entering the U.S. 

The president claims his immigration policy has been successful. However, allowing tens of millions of illegal aliens freely into the nation’s interior and then demanding foreign countries to take back their citizens does not mean it was “successful.”