
Councilmembers in This Blue City Have Tied the Rise in Crime to Illegal Aliens

In recent years, illegal aliens who’ve entered the United States through the southern border have been sent via buses to Democrat-led cities, like New York City, Washington, D.C., and Chicago. Predictably, Democrat lawmakers have flipped out at this, claiming that they don’t have the resources to support all the illegals. Some of these cities even boast about being “sanctuaries” for illegals. 

Now, councilmembers in one blue city have noted that the rise in crime can be tied to the surge of illegal aliens.

On Wednesday, two Denver councilmembers implied that the influx of illegal immigration into the city over the past 18 months has contributed to the uptick in crime in certain areas. 

Councilmember Amanda Sawyer and Councilmember Stacie Gilmore shared stories of crimes occurring in “hot spots” in their districts during a committee hearing. These “hot spots” are areas with a spiking crime rate. 

Earlier, the city designated five areas of town as “hot spots” that were getting increased attention from law enforcement due to gun-related crimes (via the Denver Gazette):

The two councilmembers also did not say outright that the immigrants who traveled to Denver after illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border were responsible for the spike in crimes.

But the implication was apparent.

“The vast, vast majority of people who are entering our program are fantastic humans who want a better life,” Sawyer said. “Not all of them. And we know that’s the case because it’s happening in District 5."

Reportedly, illegal aliens sign a code of conduct when they enroll in the city’s jobs program, swearing they will not engage in criminal behavior. So far, over 42,000 illegals have come to the city.

So far, the illegal immigration crisis has cost taxpayers more than $72 million. So far, Denver has received roughly $17.3 million in state and federal reimbursements, the Gazette noted. Mayor Mike Johnstone’s administration will continue to spend millions of dollars on illegal aliens (via the Denver Gazette):

Both councilmembers pressed the Johnston administration for answers on its spending on illegal immigration during the public safety committee meeting.  

Sawyer asked how much the three contracts would cost the city this year and next. In total, they will cost $17 million, though some costs will continue into 2025 and be covered in that budget.

That's on top of the $70 million that Denver has already spent in its illegal immigration response.


Several weeks ago, Sawyer lamented that the council had not been briefed on how much the city had actually spent on homelessness and said she learned shortly thereafter the Johnston administration had overspent by $65 million.

Earlier this year, Townhall reported how a legal immigrant in Denver, Colorado told reporters that illegal immigrant camps in town have hurt her business and her community. In an interview with the Denver Gazette, the woman, Tip Cordova, said “I want to cry right now,” and “I can’t take it anymore.”

Cordova’s a gas station, is located “a few steps” from a camp with more than 70 tents to house illegal immigrants. As a result, business is down 50 percent. 

“What’s going on right now is not a solution,” her son, Sam Plumsukon, told the outlet.