
Look Who Just Hopped on the Dump Biden Train...But Doesn't Want Anyone to Know

Democrats need to talk someplace where it’ll likely be leaked, but something must change here because it’s clear that the party doesn’t like or want Joe Biden to be the nominee anymore. The circus that’s engulfed the Democratic Party has been delicious to watch, their best-laid plans blown up and burned to ash on June 27. As if the cognitive issues hamstringing the president aren’t bad enough, this White House is incapable of delivering a straight answer on the Parkinson’s Disease expert, Dr. Kevin Cannard, who visited multiple times starting in August of 2023. 

Does the president have a neurological disorder? We’d never know with this crew. Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said after a Senate lunch this week that he’s backing Biden, no question. We’ve now learned he’s open to replacing the aging president, according to Axios. His office refused to comment further on this development (via Axios):

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is privately signaling to donors that he's open to a Democratic presidential ticket that isn't led by President Biden, Axios has learned. 

… In public, Schumer has been insistent that he is "for Joe." In private, he's singing a different tune. 

Over the last 12 days, Schumer has been listening to donors' ideas and suggestions about the best way forward for the party, according to three people familiar with the matter. 

The majority leader is one of several Democrats, including former President Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has the political and personal standing to convince Biden to step aside. Even so, Biden can still dig in and the delegates are pledged to him. 

A Schumer spokesman declined to comment. 

It’s all a show, much like Biden’s presidency. These clowns thought a tweet and some speeches were the business of governing; it’s not. And you can’t do it well when you have incompetent people and a boss whose mental capacity has degraded immensely. Biden may be fighting to remain the nominee, but the cracks in the dam have become more defined and numerous over the past 36 hours. Will it break? When it does, the devastation will be biblical, not that I’m complaining. I’m voting for the other guy.

UPDATE: They got to him: