
The Voter Group That Desperately Wants Biden to Stay in the Race Shouldn't Shock Anyone

Rep. Don Byers (D-VA) got into serious hot water when he torched Joe Biden during a private leadership call, describing him as fragile and implying that the man couldn’t string sentences together. He later said he’d be a team player no matter the situation. Byer, who had hosted a fundraiser for Biden in McLean, Virginia last week, where he likened the president to Jesus Christ, immediately backpedaled, declaring his support for the president. You can’t have a Democrat in a must-win state saying that, especially one representing a district that will be critical in helping Joe hold the line in the Old Dominion. 

The Virginia Democrat likely got a call from Jill because the whole thing played out like the horse’s head scene in The Godfather. Yet Byer also said something that wasn’t shocking. The voter group that is the most intense in wanting Joe to remain in the race are women:

Yes, the single, college-educated ladies are the only bloc keeping this race somewhat close. It’ll be a red tsunami if Biden starts to hemorrhage support with these voters, whose only concern is abortion. In January, when Biden was ahead of Trump in some national polls, the only reason that was the case was due to women.

It’s why this campaign wants to go abortion-heavy and will likely do so after the convention. Yet, given the issues with Biden, his mental health, his poor debate with Trump, and his collapse in the key battleground states, the move would look and reek of desperate pandering. It’s also detached: the economy, inflation, and immigration are the top three issues, and Trump is running the table regarding candidate trust there. 

These women want their abortions, and even if they think Biden is brain-dead. It’s not like there are other issues on the line this year.