
The One Question Facing Kamala Harris...and Why It Could Kill Any Talk of Her Replacing Biden

Rebecca will have more on this, as Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) is now weighing in, but Democrats salivating over Kamala Harris as Biden’s replacement should tread carefully. We’re dealing with a presidential campaign that’s beset by allegations that it hid Joe Biden’s mental decline, which they did well for three years. The press is complicit, but that charade got nuked on June 27 by Donald J. Trump. A large swath of the party wants Biden gone and replaced by Harris, the only person who could legally have the president’s war chest transferred to her. 

Yet, Harris should have to answer a familiar question regarding political scandals. In this instance, Matt Gorman of Targeted Victory set up the pitch: “What did you know about Joe Biden's condition, and when did you know it?" Harris has been one of the main figures covering Biden’s mental decline, which cannot be spun or buried: 

And then, there are the other issues with Kamala, like how she’s not as popular as Joe Biden, has a lengthy history of being awkward or outright idiotic at public events—her sophomoric remarks about the Ukraine war is a prime example—and like Biden, isn’t made of presidential timber. Tom Steyer’s 2020 operation lasted longer than Harris’, a then-sitting US Senator, who was later dogged by allegations of a hostile workplace environment. Do we need to rehash why all her top staffers and advisers fled for the hills not long after the 2020 election? It’s the same dysfunction that ran her presidential bid aground. The woman is insufferable, and her pervasive lack of preparedness could be explained by the simple reason that she doesn’t like reading briefings.  

For every glowing story about Kamala published, reality shows up days later to quash it. Democrats who want to boot Biden don’t have time on their side, so we’re seeing all these candidates get mentioned as potential replacements, with many not wanting to run now. Maybe in 2028, but hell to the no regarding this cycle. Harris also has presidential aspirations, but she’s the definition of unelectable. Still, some prominent liberals think Joe should transfer the presidency over to her, but he’s not going anywhere at present.

Still, Harris will face intense scrutiny about the president’s mental state and when and if she saw any signs of decline. She’s not ready to take the heat.