
Here's the Tweet That Perfectly Sums Up Why Conservatives Were Way Ahead of Liberals on Biden

I know we’re getting a kick out of the liberal media, Democrats, and other sects of left-wing America throwing an absolute tantrum over Joe Biden’s stunning and catastrophic dismantling by Donald Trump. He looked and acted like how we, in Normal Ville, have seen him for years—his age. To say the president was soporific might be a bit kind, but it fits. He was aloof, looked lost, and delivered incoherent lines. How could this be? 

The liberal media is going through all the feelings, from claiming they couldn’t break through the protective net surrounding the president established by his aides to lamentations about not going full bore in covering this White House story out of fear of losing access; no one wants to hear it. Because we all knew why they did it: it was a concerted effort to prevent damaging a Democratic president. Yet, what about liberal America writ large? How does this blindside them? Because many of them are acting like they never knew Biden was truly mentally declining. Lawyer Damin Toell had the perfect tweet to answer this question, and it’s that liberals are media illiterate. We conservatives know how liberals act, think, and feel before they do. It’s apparently not the same on the other side of the aisle. 

“They haven’t seen a million videos of Biden mumbling and trailing off and lumbering around and looking lost, they didn’t know that he gets fed questions in advance. Two weeks ago, liberals would’ve called it all fake news and cheap fakes, but right-wingers have known this stuff for years,” he wrote. “Despite positioning themselves as the educated ones in the room, libs so often have absolutely horrendous media literacy,” Toell added. 

“This is also why every two months, you get ‘we’re canceling our New York Times subscriptions’ freakouts, and we’re seeing this happen to journos and news outlets on a nuclear scale right now - because anything uncomfortable is seen as traitorous and must be immediately rejected.” 

That’s pretty spot-on. And to prove his point, Toell posted a meme that perfectly encapsulated said media illiteracy from liberal America: 

Is the echo chamber for liberal America that deafening, or are liberals just that stupid?  I think the echo chamber doesn’t help. Still, the Left’s insufferable self-righteousness has made a movement known for wanting to experiment and experience new stimuli, for lack of a better word, ironically resistant to the point of anaphylaxis to anything that upsets them.