
It Was Already Bad That a Clintonite Was Going to Interview Biden. It's Even Worse Now.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced that Joe Biden will sit down for an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos. A Democrat president being asked questions by a former Clinton operative is why organizations like the Media Research Center exist; it’s also unsurprising to the nth degree. What’s also unsurprising is that this won’t even air live (via Fox News):

According to ABC News, a "first look" from the interview, set to be recorded Friday, will air on that night's edition of "World News Tonight," with other segments airing on Saturday and Sunday's broadcasts of "Good Morning America." The "extended interview" will air on Sunday's installment of "This Week" as well as Monday's "Good Morning America." 

Fox News Digital asked ABC News whether a full unedited transcript of the interview would be released and whether Stephanopoulos would comment to viewers on Biden's demeanor both on and off the camera. ABC News did not immediately respond. 

Stephanopoulos joins a small group of journalists who have clinched the rare second interview with Biden, who has granted far fewer interviews in comparison to his predecessors. 

The ABC News anchor previously sat down with Biden for his first interview following the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021. 

While Biden is expected to face tough questions about his performance at last week's presidential debate and whether he will continue seeking reelection, Stephanopoulos is widely seen by critics as a non-adversarial journalist for the president. 

Yeah, and the answers to those tough questions will likely be heavily edited. What is this, folks? The president must show he’s vivacious, agile, and mentally sharp, but we won’t air the interview live in primetime? It circles back to the silly talking point that Biden is a night owl, does backflips, and speaks circles around aides. When asked if we could see footage of Biden in action during these meetings, we were denied. 

Biden with training wheels isn’t going to dispel what we already know about him. If anything, it only accentuates the president’s mental issues, as staff wraps him in political bubble wrap to avoid another trip-up.

The president is doing an interview that isn’t live, whose full, unedited remarks probably won’t be released, or at least that part is dubious for now. 

Also, will George try to nudge the president to admit he’s too old for the job: