
Ex-CNN Politics Editor: The Biden Team Knew the Debate Was Going to Be a Trainwreck

The Democratic Party freakout is delicious to watch. Donald Trump hurled Joe Biden off a cliff during the first debate. There’s no discussion or conversation about it: Biden got wrecked, and the Left is clamoring to replace the president on the ticket. It won’t happen, but panic is real among people who should have known better. Even more, the media knew, too. Alex Thompson at Axios was not shocked by Biden’s abysmal performance, noting that this president was obscured by the public and the media for months. Ex-CNN editor Chris Cillizza noted that Democrats should be “furious” over the Biden team’s selfishness.

Yet, everyone knew. Can we stop with this game? Even liberal polls had damning indications that everyone saw the president couldn’t do the job anymore. Then again, please keep melting down, Democrats. You deserve this one.


Last Note: Yeah, I knew I was missing something: