
Does Joe Biden Really Think People Will Believe His New Claim?

President Joe Biden is back to lying to the American people. 

During a fundraiser in New Jersey on Saturday, Biden claimed that he won over more undecided voters than former President Donald Trump post his disastrous debate performance.

Biden insisted that the malfunctions he suffered during the 90-minute gaffe-filled debate actually impressed undecided voters rather than deter them from voting for him. 

Insert laugh track here. 

“Research during the debate shows us converting more undecided voters than Trump did, in large part because of his conduct on Jan. 6,” Biden told the crowd. “People remember the bad things during his presidency.”

The 81-year-old’s bad debate night prompted the country, including Democrats, to call on Biden to drop out of the race, citing his old age and mental acuity. 

First Lady Jill Biden also tried to fool the crowd into thinking her husband was having just one bad night despite him having countless public malfunctions in the past. 

“You know, Jill, I don’t know what happened. I didn’t feel that great,” Jill Biden recalled him telling her.

Following the debate, political pollster Frank Luntz asked a focus group of undecided voters who they would vote for if the election were held today. 

Ten out of 14 people raised their hand when asked if they were more convinced to vote for Trump. Luntz, who has conducted focus groups for over 25 years, said he has never witnessed one reach a "conclusion this overwhelming.” 

Democrat National Committee (DNC) Chairman Jaime Harrison dismissed doubts about Biden’s ability to continue on in the race. 

“You hear the hand-wringing coming from pundits, Rev, and from op-eds like the New York Times, but you don't hear from the people," he said, insisting that people still support Biden. 

“What I have seen is that galvanization, particularly in the Black community," he continued. "I'm a Black man. I've seen the galvanization of support for Joe Biden because, you know, in the Black community, in your family, you can say all that you want to say about a member of your family, but don't let somebody else."