
Biden Campaign Begs High-Profile Donors to 'Wait and See' Before Abandoning President

High-profile Hollywood donors are pulling the plug on cutting checks for President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign after his catastrophic debate performance against former President Donald Trump. 

According to reports, Biden staffers begged donors to “wait and see” before pulling their money from the president’s campaign.

In an email to Hollywood donors, Hailey Sasse, the Biden Victory Funds Southern California Finance Director, insinuated that she wants them to pretend like the chaotic debate never happened and that nearly all New York Times columnists didn’t call on Biden to drop out of the race. 

“This is the same race that it was before the debate, and post-debate polling shows that voters’ opinions were not changed in any significant way,” the email read. “This race is going to be decided in individual battleground states in November 2024, just as it was in April 2023.”

The email made a sad case for Biden by listing why donors should forget about the 81-year-old’s shaky debate performance. 

As the president said: he doesn’t debate as well as he used to, but when he gets knocked down, he gets back up. (And we have his back!) 

President Biden was strong, and forceful this afternoon in North Carolina with a fired-up crowd. You can watch his remarks here.

The president clearly laid out the fundamental choice in this election: He believes that we are a nation of honesty and decency and treating people with respect, that gives everyone a fair shot and leaves no one behind. Donald Trump believes America is a failing nation and is motivated by revenge and retribution. Donald Trump will destroy our democracy, Joe Biden will defend it.

The advisor to several of these donors, Hannah Linkenhoker said that the high-profile donors will continue to support the Democratic Party as long as Biden steps aside. 

“It’s just really hard to see how we keep supporting him. He needs to dig deep about whether he can in good conscience be our nominee,” she said.

Steven Spielberg and his wife Kate Capshaw and Filmmaker J.J. Abrams are just some of the elitists that have donated to Biden’s campaign. 

An anonymous Hollywood donor confirmed that most of the high-profile elites are withholding donations from the left until Biden drops out of the 2024 race.

“With all the text chains I’m on, people are basically like, ‘If he doesn’t drop out, we’re not giving any more money to Democrats or the Democratic Party.’ It’s like super intense," he said.