
It Looks Like Clinton Is Preparing Voters for a Weak Debate Performance by Biden

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton shared her thoughts about Thursday’s first presidential debate, noting that she’s “the only person” to have debated both Donald Trump and Joe Biden.  

Writing in The New York Times, Clinton seems to prepare voters for what will be a weak performance by the president. 

Biden “starts from a disadvantage” due to the nonstop responsibilities he has as president, leaving little time to prepare, she said.   

“Being president isn’t just a day job; it’s an everything-everywhere-all-at-once job,” Clinton noted. “Historically, that has led to weaker first debate performances for the incumbent.”

At the end of the day, voters must remember they're "picking a president, not the best actor," Clinton noted. 

She suggested viewers focus on three things.  

First, how each candidate talks about people, not just policies. Secondly, Clinton encourages people to “see through the bluster and focus on the fundamentals at stake.” Third, she said voters need to realize the election is a choice between competence in Biden and chaos in Trump. 

She touched on concerns about Biden's age, acknowledging that while he's 81, that's "just three years older than Mr. Trump.”

Clinton went on to paint Trump as a convicted criminal who cares only about himself, whereas Biden is “a wise and decent man who is fighting hard for working families.”

The choice should be an "easy" one for voters, she concluded, "no matter what happens in the debate."