
Biden's Aggressive Debate Plan

President Joe Biden reportedly plans to “defeat” former President Donald Trump in their first televised debate ahead of the 2024 election. 

A Biden campaign official revealed that the 81-year-old president has plans to be “aggressive” and prove he can live up to the job for another four years. 

Despite the White House refusing to confirm whether Biden will take performance-enhancing drugs during the June 25 debate, the campaign official said the president will deliver “punchier” remarks— something Biden has failed at time and time again. 

“The president has gotten increasingly punchier in recent remarks about Trump and plans to carry that theme through to the debate, while still projecting himself as the wise and steady leader in contrast to Trump’s chaos and division,” the official told the Financial Times.

According to a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll, most voters believe Biden is far too old to serve another four years in office. Eighty-six percent, including 73 percent of Democrats, think the president does not have the mental or physical capabilities to run the country. 

Biden will predominantly aim his attacks at Trump, accusing the 45th president of stripping away reproductive rights, promoting political violence, and “undermining our democratic institutions.” 

The president will also blame Trump for “Bidding of his billionaire donors to fund tax giveaways to the ultra-wealthy and corporations by hurting seniors and the middle class,” the Biden official stated. 

The Biden campaign needs all the help it can get after polls show his approval rating is underwater. 

The campaign will hold at least 1,600 events nationwide and run TV and digital advertisements ahead of Thursday’s presidential debate. The events will target key groups such as the LGBTQ community and college students. 

A campaign memo said that “President Biden, who is fighting for the American people, and Donald Trump, who will walk on stage as a convicted felon fighting for himself no matter how much harm he inflicts on the American people.” 

Biden allies will kick off debate week by hosting 16 events across several U.S. states to mark the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.