
AOC Makes a Fool of Herself Trying to Advocate for Fellow Squad Member Jamaal Bowman

“Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) gave Americans nationwide secondhand embarrassment during an odd performance at a rally in the Bronx.

During a rally for Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) on Saturday, the two Democrats were labeled “sellouts” just weeks after former President Donald Trump drew thousands of supporters to his historic rally in the blue borough of a Democrat state. 

AOC walked out to Cardi B’s “Enough” where she began dancing and bouncing around the stage. 

“Are we ready?! Are we ready I can’t hear you!” She yelled to the crowd of just a few hundred people— a stark contrast to Trump’s Bronx rally. 

The squad member was helping rally Bowman supporters to “get out and vote.” However, polls show he is trailing behind his Democrat challenger and Westchester County Executive George Latimer. 

I reported yesterday on a recent Emerson College/WPIX poll that found Latimer is ahead in the race by 17 points. The poll shows that Bowman has only secured 31 percent of the vote. 

Bowman’s anti-Israel stance has seemingly contributed to his poor polling numbers as Latimer holds a strong pro-Israel mindset. 

He previously claimed the Hamas attack against Israel was unprovoked, saying “We need a free Palestine.” 

“If we’re calling this an unprovoked attack, that means we’re going to ignore 18 human rights organizations calling Israel an apartheid state, and we’re gonna ignore 75 years of military occupation…or several hundred thousand settlers expanding into the West Bank,” Bowman said. 

He also reportedly told Democratic Socialists of America members that he doesn’t support funding for the Jewish state, adding that he would vote “no” to aid for Israel “Until we get a free Palestine.” 

According to the poll, 45 percent of voters preferred Latimer’s views on Israel. 

This spells bad news for Bowman’s election chances as the New York district he is running for has one of the largest Jewish constituencies in the country.