
This Democrat Mayor Insists the U.S. 'Needs' Illegal Immigrants

New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams insisted that the United States “needs” illegal immigrants. 

During an interview on Friday, Adams said that the country’s illegal immigration crisis can be a good thing, citing population concerns. 

“Many of our municipalities, they have needs of workers, their populations have dropped,” Adams told New York’s 1010 WINS’s “The PM Rush.” 

When asked if former President Donald Trump's or President Joe Biden’s immigration policies would be better for the U.S., Adams reiterated the need for immigration reform. However, he stressed that the millions of illegal aliens who have crossed the southern border under the president don’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. 

“I think that we need real, true immigration reform. We need to make sure we monitor the movement at the border, and we need a decompression strategy that allows those who come into the country to also address the needs of the country,” Adams stated. “Many of our municipalities, they have needs of workers, their populations have dropped. I think that we can turn this into a positive if it’s properly implemented. And I think we need to do a better job in handling this.”

Earlier this year, Adams was under fire for handing out pre-paid credit cards to illegal immigrants living illegally in New York City. 

He claimed that the controversial move was a “real win” and a “smart way to bring down the cost” of the thousands of illegal aliens who have invaded the city. The mayor said it would save the city about $600,000 a month and $7.2 million a year by giving illegal aliens pre-paid cards that will be allowed to be used at local bodegas, grocery stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores across Manhattan. 

Adams's comments come as new Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data revealed that 170,723 illegal immigrants were encountered while crossing the southern border in May. The data also shows that since Biden took office, more than 9.8 million illegal aliens have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border.