
Trump Takes Yet Another Group of Voters Away From Joe Biden

President Joe Biden is hemorrhaging voters as his GOP rival takes the lead among several, crucial demographics ahead of the 2024 election. 

According to a new Equis poll, Latino voters trust former President Donald Trump more than Biden on immigration. 

The once-reliably Democrat voters, Latinos are abandoning ship and turning to the Republican Party to fix the United State’s immigration issue, citing frustration over Biden’s failure to deliver his promise of creating a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants.

Forty-one percent of Latino respondents say they trust Trump on the handling of the southern border, compared to just 38 percent who trust Biden.

With the 36.2 million U.S. Latinos eligible to vote in November, the demographic could be a make or break for the Democrat president. 

Meanwhile, 72 percent of American Latinos said they were “somewhat or very concerned” with Biden and the Democratic Party for failing to follow through on campaign promises regarding their immigration policy. Only sixty-four percent said they were worried about Trump’s “extreme measures” over the crisis at the border. 

Co-founder and senior vice president for research at Equis Labs Carlos Odio said that there is “great uncertainty in support” for Biden among Latino voters, adding that the Democratic Party no longer has the advantage they once did with Latinos on immigration. 

In addition, a recent Pew Research poll found that 74 percent of Latinos do not approve of how the federal government is handling the Biden border crisis. At the same time, a CBS/YouGov survey found that 62 percent of Hispanic voters support deporting “all” illegal immigrants from the U.S.

Both presidential candidates have stepped up their game to court Latino voters as the November election is less than five months away. 

Biden is stepping up Hispanic outreach in key states like Arizona, Nevada, and Georgia, among others, while Trump recently launched his own targeted effort. The Trump campaign announced this month it was creating "Latino Americans for Trump," a coalition "with notable members of Latino communities from across the country.”     The campaign promised Trump would visit "majority-minority deep-blue areas" that presidential candidates never go to and build infrastructures targeting "persuadable Black and Hispanic voters.” Biden's move this week to grant protection to half a million undocumented people with citizen spouses could "move the needle among Latino voters," per Odio. Via Axios. 

With over 17 million illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S. under Biden, an Economist/YouGov poll found that just 29 percent of Americans said they approve of the president’s handling of immigration.