
Illegal Alien Arrested in Connection With Sexual Assault of 13-Year-Old Girl in NYC

An illegal immigrant from Ecuador is in custody after a 13-year-old girl was raped in broad daylight at a park in New York City, according to a report from the New York Post. 

Reportedly, the 25-year-old illegal immigrant was taken into custody on Tuesday. Charges against him are pending. He reportedly entered the United States in 2021.

The Post noted that a “group of good Samaritans” located him and called him out as a “rapist” before “smacking him around and tying him up with a belt” as they waited for the cops to arrive.

Last week, the 13-year-old girl and a 13-year-old boy were held at knifepoint with a “machete-style” blade when the girl was assaulted. The NYPD offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the individual’s arrest (via NYP):

He was recognized from the wanted flyers by other residents living in the same Queens shelter, who then called the cops.

Authorities say the suspect approached the two teens and forced them into a secluded area of the Queens park.

He then tied their wrists with shoelaces before he molested the girl.

The monster then took away both teen’s phones and told them to stay put for 20 minutes after he fled, cops said.

Following the assault, the traumatized children ran to their nearby school where they alerted staffers, who called 911.

Reportedly, Queens’ Kissena Park is full of children, particularly, students from nearby schools. The NYPD allocated more than 60 investigators for the search for the perpetrator.

“Everybody is tense since the news because we all have small children that are playing here, and it happened in the day,” father Alankar Ngar told The Post over the weekend.

“I want [the community] to rest assured that we will spare no expense. We will use every investigative resource and, again, implore the help of the community to help us bring closure for these young children and for this family,” NYPD Chief of Department Jeffrey Maddrey said at a Friday briefing on the crime.

According to Fox News, the illegal alien came to the U.S. near Eagle Pass, Texas. When he was captured, his Ecuadorian passport listed his name as Christian Geovanny Inga Landi. 

Former President Donald Trump grew up close to where the attack took place. He told Fox News, “I grew up right near there," he said, adding that "Something like this was unthinkable years ago — unthinkable."

"You could go down and go to the candy store, walk back — your parents never even had a thought of anything happening," Trump told Fox News Digital. "This is a different world. My parents never would have even had a thought that something could happen."

He added, "I’d like to pay my highest respects and love to the parents and family members — this tragedy should never have happened."